Services Offered 

One to One Readings 

However I am able to assist and guide you one thing is certain, I always adhere to strict sincere and confidential consultations. So you can rest assured that whatever we discuss during a consultation I will not divulge it to anyone.  I specialise in one to one readings in the comfort of your own home, arranging visits weekday evenings. All I ask when I visit is that you provide a quiet peaceful environment without noise or distraction.  The duration of my visit is wholly dependent on the type of consultation you wish to arrange.  A straightforward reading normally lasts between 30-45 minutes. However, I use the word straightforward loosely because you can never be too sure how long a  reading can take.  

I can never guarantee the presence of a particular individual who has passed into the spirit world.  I simply open up to whoever wishes to make contact and let their presence  known.  I always find that readings are very relevant to the individual at that particular point in time. Genuine spiritual readings are all about passing on detailed confirmation.  There is no greater sense of satisfaction than to pass on detailed confirmation from a loved one who resides in the spirit world. To pass on such validation offers reassurance comfort and  hope as well as evidence that life does indeed continue after the demise of the physical body. 

When conducting readings I work with a number of spirit guides and channel the presence of spirit in the following ways. 

Clairsentience: The ability to see manifestations that are not of tangible physical structure. Residual energy and the ability to sense atmospheres. 

Clairaudience:  The ability to hear words and sounds that are from dimensions beyond the known physical  dimension of Earth. 

Clairoma: The ability to smell  beyond the physical dimension of Earth  such as the residual energy of a building and smells related to spirit communication such as flowers and tobacco. 

Clairvoyance: Regarded as second sight, the ability to see all that exists beyond the physical dimension of Earth such as seeing spirit and remote viewing. 

As well as one to one readings I can also arrange group consultations to offer spiritual insight and explore the true and greater purpose of life.

Individual One to One Reading Price:  £30.00

Please contact me for availability 
Should you  require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Spiritual Insight & Guidance

The World in which we live is changing, its changing like never before and changing at an extremely rapid pace. You just have to look at the events unfolding around the world today to realise we are experiencing a major shift in the development of individual awareness. Humankind is beginning to wake up and as a result I am beginning to find that people more than ever are wanting answers to questions concerning topics and subjects which they never imagined themselves asking. We truly are experiencing significant times as far as the natural evolution of the human consciousness is concerned as it begins to expand and how this affects you can at times can feel bewildering and daunting.

Life itself of course can be extremely challenging, difficult, and at times feels even cruel. We often endure difficult periods in life when it seems the whole world is against us and nothing seems to work out the way we want it, no matter how hard we try. One minute we are flying high and the next crashing to the ground.
Life at times is very demanding and stressful with each of us subjected to multitudes of expectations.      
We must remember that Earth is nothing more than a gigantic classroom with each of us learning and evolving from one another as we journey through life through the experiences of all it throws our way. Learning and evolving is the real and true purpose of life here on Earth.

To help and assist negotiating the journey of life I can offer spiritual insight and guidance to explore the mechanics of life and why at times we all endure difficult challenging  times.  Life is never out to get you, the world is not out to trip you up, our torment you. Life just needs understanding, the very experience of life should never be feared, just understood. Fear remember is the inability to understand something, by understanding more ,we fear much less.

Should you wish to discuss a Spiritual Insight  Consultation in greater detail or require further information. Please do not hesitate to contact me.

Spirit Activity Investigations 

Think of a haunted location and the average person would understandably envisage images of a spooky old manor house or ghostly castle. But to be honest, any building or place that has been inhabited by people for lengthy periods of time will without doubt be subject to some kind of spirit activity. Either by spirits who return to Earth in "Visitation" or by spirits who remain "Grounded" trapped in the physical dimension of Earth. It is highly likely therefore that any property or place steeped in history will have some degree of spirit activity.  Such places may include, homes, hotels, inns, places of work such as factory's, military bases and of course manor houses and castles. Where people have once lived or worked for many varied reasons it is highly likely their spirits remain, linger or continue to visit. 

Over  the years I have investigated many reports of spirit activity in people's homes, pubs, places of work, disused airfields and even a shopping centre. Whilst most spirits who are either in "Visitation" or "Grounded" simply observe without attempting any form of interaction or disruption, some spirits simply can't help themselves.   

Whilst most spirits are nothing more than curious as to a place where they may have spent many years inhabiting or working whilst on Earth. Other spirits have not taken to kindly to inhabitants occupying former properties especially when changes and alterations begin. This type of investigation work involves spending time  in the property to gain an in depth understanding into the type of spirit activity as well as attempting to directly communicate with the spirit to discover their identity as well as the reason for their continued presence and interaction. I often must perform rescue work by patiently informing and reminding the spirit in question that they no longer belong in the physical dimension of Earth and gently help them pass over into the spirit world much to the relief of the buildings occupants who are left in peace and whose lives can return to some form of normality. 

On a number of occasions I have also been asked to investigate spirit activity which has originated from the use of dabbling with Ouija Boards which has resulted in major spirit disturbances after what has often been referred to as "a bit of harmless fun" 
My advice concerning Ouija Boards.
Leave well alone.

Should you wish to discuss a Spirit Activity   investigation in  greater detail or require further information. Please do not hesitate to contact me.